Interior noise mapping
Interior noise mapping

We also collaborate with the most relevant universities across the globe in order to introduce future new professionals into our world. One of the most important activities to reach this target is the continuous training and education of professionals, users of our software, consultancy companies and acoustic departments at the administration in any field in acoustics. Last but not least, DataKustik is committed to democratize the use of noise mapping and interior sound software.


Examples of this are the development and improvement of noise calculation methods and standards by participating in international working groups or the adjustment of the calculation procedures and strategies for their application in different software environments. However, regulations may be inadequate in developing countries, where fast urbanisation, industrial growth and traffic increase create environments with hazardous noise levels. These are key points to the successful application of our software worldwide.Īnother relevant aspect of our work is the constant research and consulting both at national and international levels. Standards for noise pollution have been developed in many countries to safeguard human health and wellbeing. Therefore, one of the most valued advantages of our programs is their high usability and flexibility, while the existence of sophisticated tools and options allow to handle any complex project. With the implementation of the findings of the interior noise analysis, the interior noise levels in habitable rooms would be 45 dBA CNEL or below and comply with the City of San Diego General Plan Noise Compatibility Guidelines requirement. Community noise, or environmental noise, includes the primary sources of road, rail and air traf c, industries, and public works. necessary to limit interior noise in habitable rooms to 45 dBA CNEL or below. The main objective of our work is the implementation of the noise propagation theory into easy-to-use software. Context: Noise pollution has been well-recognized as one of the major trepidations that can adversely affect public health and quality-of-life in urban areas across the globe. Our products for the calculation and prediction of environmental noise, interior sound and air pollutant distribution as well as for building acoustics are state-of-the-art.

  • Conditions are free-field and there is no reverberant field.We are proud to be considered as one of the leading developers of software for immission protection. We design and build auditoriums, studios, banquet halls, theatrettes, or even privacy rooms, then we refine them with interior.
  • Walls used in the model are considered to be perfectly reflecting and at 1 metre distance (facade level).
  • Reducing noise from rail freight has been identifiedby the European rail sector itself as a key objective.
  • The noise source behaves as a point source and is far-field, where inherent directivity is minimal. Installation of noise barriers and sound proof faades is common at sites with high noise exposures. Last but not least, DataKustik is committed to democratize the use of noise mapping and interior sound software.
  • There are no affecting weather conditions, such as wind or temperature inversion, as these will affect the propagation path of a noise source and diffraction around the barrier.
  • In reality when dealing with short distances and many reflective surfaces the "canyon effect" may occur with repeating reflections.
  • There are no reflections from the barrier.
  • No transmission of sound through the barrier - therefore, the total transmission of sound through the barrier must be at least 10dB below the level of sound transmission above the barrier.
  • No transmission of sound around the barrier - therefore, the combined transmission of sound around the sides of the barrier must be at least 10dB below the level of sound transmission above the barrier.

  • Interior noise mapping